Bulldogs give Magpies a blitzing

almost 3 years in bdtruth

The Bulldogs took no prisoners in Wednesday night's clash with the Magpies, finishing the game with a 107-point victory. By the game's end, the Dogs had nine individual goal scorers, however, in the first term, it was all Kody Ellis. Ellis got the game rolling when he booted his first of the night five minutes in, goaling naturally off his left leg from on the run. Goal number two came from a safe distance out from goals and again on the run. For his third, Ellis booted a long-range set shot moments before the quarter-time siren to give North a 21-point lead at the first break. The first quarter was a relatively scrappy one from both sides, whereas, in quarter two, things began to take shape. North's Mckaide Standley snapped an across-body goal before Harry Roach slotted one from directly in front. Lachlan Turley booted another goal for the Bulldogs with a set-shot kick from the scoreboard pocket. Followed by a set-shot goal from Luke Barraclough and another on-the-run goal from Kody Ellis for his fourth. It was 53 to nil in North's favour at halftime. North's scoreboard involvement was more behinds than goals in the third term, from eight scoring shots they managed six behinds and just two goals. The goals came through B-Jay Adams and Samual Micallef. The Bulldog's sat on 71 points at the three-quarter time break. While they hit another six behinds, their accuracy improved in the last term with five goals. The first of the quarter came from Taz Lihou who kicked truly from a set shot, followed by Kody Ellis kicking his fifth and final goal for the night from a dribble kick across the goal line. Taz Lihou then booted a second after turning his defender inside out to snap the ball through to uprights. Cooper Lawrence then added to North's goals tally after a great handball from Tasman McAllister. Lawrence then kicked another goal to go back to back for the last majors of the game. North was impressive and ended up with a 107-point win over the Magpies. The scoreboard didn't reflect the game. Despite their lack of scoring, Central showed consistent effort to chase the footy and were strong defenders. Their best players were Will Campbell, Nicholas Devoy, Sam Jackson, Garth McAvaney, Toby Davidson and Karson Cole. For the Dogs, it was Taz Lihou, Cooper Lawrence, Kody Ellis, Jet Johnson, Iziah Nean and Samual Micallef.Full-time score – North 15.17 (107) defeated Central 0.0 (0).

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