Lockdowns have ‘dire consequences’ Harvard Medical School Professor

almost 3 years in news

Harvard Medical School Professor Martin Kulldorff says it is necessary to take into account the “collateral public health damage” of lockdowns.

It comes as approximately 12 million Australians have been plunged into lockdown in a bid to fight off the Delta COVID-19 strain.

According to Professor Kulldorff, the biggest impact of lockdowns lands on mental health.

“Lockdowns have dire consequences of the mental health of the population as well as of course on the education of children and young people,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“Lockdowns can postpone things into the future, so it can’t eliminate the disease, it can only postpone it into the future.”

Professor Kulldorff said Australia’s strategy is “basically to postpone it” until the nation’s elderly have been vaccinated.

“As soon as all the old people have been vaccinated, there is no reason to have lockdowns anymore.”

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