Ethiopia votes, despite conflict and crisis in the north

حوالي ٣ سنوات فى Jamaica Observer

Addis Ababa , Ethiopia (AFP) - Ethiopia voted Monday in an election billed as the most democratic yet in Africa's second-most populous country, but taking place as famine blights its war-torn Tigray region.
It was the first electoral test for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed since coming to power three years ago, and a centrepiece of his reforms to open up political space and leave Ethiopia's repressive past behind.
The Nobel laureate, who has freed political prisoners, welcomed back exiles and ended a cold war with neighbouring Eritrea, had vowed the most competitive election in the country's history, and voters turned out in droves to take part.
Polls closed at 9:00 pm after being extended three hours at the last minute to accommodate long queues of voters, many still waiting by nightfall.
Results are not expected for several days.
Abiy -- whose Prosperity Party fielded the most candidates for national seats and is expected to win a comfortable majority -- declared the vote a historic triumph.
"What we're witnessing right now is the spirit of the people. In so many ways, this election has been better than those past," Abiy told a state broadcaster after voting in his home town in central Ethiopia.
The polls did not go ahead in a fifth of the country's 547 constituencies, with some areas deemed too insecure and others beset with logistical problems, raising concerns about the vote's credibility.
Most of those delayed will vote on September 6 but there is no election planned for Tigray, where the UN rights chief on Monday voiced alarm about on-going atrocities including sexual violence and extra judicial killings.
In Addis Ababa, some waited hours to cast their vote and lines snaked around city blocks.
First-time voter Bezawit Mekonnen said it was worth the wait. "I want to see change, and I feel that my vote matters now," said the 30-year-old public health officer.
Others turned out before dawn, wrapped in blankets against the morning cold, to secure a spot at the front of the line.
"This election is different," said Milyon Gebregziabher, a 45-year-old travel agent.
"There are a number of parties to choose from. In the past there was just one -- we did not have the luxury of choice."
Voters wore face masks, and electoral officials sprayed their hands with sanitiser before checking their IDs against the register.
Once votes are counted, national MPs will elect the prime minister as well as the president, a largely ceremonial role.
The election was twice delayed -- once because of the pandemic, which has hammered Ethiopia's economy, and again to allow more time to organise the ballot across a huge nation.
Some 38 million Ethiopians were registered to choose among more than 40 parties and 9,500 candidates, though the elections were not held across the board.

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