Victorian government has a ‘very clear strategy’ of distraction Peta Credlin

about 3 years in news

Let’s hope Treasurer Josh Frydenberg doesn’t “roll over to the bullies” and make all taxpayers pay for the mistakes of a “truly bad government” in Melbourne, says Sky News host Peta Credlin.

“If you’re sitting at home tonight and greatful you’re not living in the socialist republic of Victoria, don’t get too comfortable, because if the Andrews Government had its way, you would be footing the bill for its ongoing incompetence, lockdowns and spin,” Ms Credlin said.

“Pallas is feeling the heat, he knows Victorian Labor will now be held to blame without Scott Morrison writing cheques to cover up their COVID management incompetence.

“That’s why the Andrews government has a very clear political strategy of distraction and diversion: making this the Federal Government’s problem if they can and expecting you to pay.”

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