PM Curfew hours to be adjusted for upcoming public holidays

about 3 years in TT News day

THE Prime Minister said while the daily 9 pm to 5 am curfew in place with the state of emergency (SoE) will not be changed, there would be some adjustments for the public holidays on Monday (Indian Arrival Day) and Thursday (Corpus Christi) to limit movement during the day.
Dr Rowley also announced that hardwares will be closed only for next week and the sale of pre-packaged food prepared by restaurants and fast-food businesses will also be banned, as attempts to curb the number of covid19 cases in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Prime Minister made these announcements at a news conference at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann's on Saturday.
Referring to discussions held on Wednesday between the Government and the private sector, Rowley said it was agreed that a proposed daily 6 pm to 6 am curfew by one business group was unworkable." The 9 to 5 curfew still remains the most sensible arrangement. Otherwise, we will solve one problem while creating others."
Rowley agreed with sentiments expressed by Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young, the Supermarkets Association and the Confederation of Regional Business Chambers that a 6 pm to 6 am curfew could increase the risk of a rise in covid19 cases.
With respect to the Indian Arrival Day and Corpus Christi holidays, Rowley said, "The Attorney General will be asked make whatever adjustments that is required so that we will have further restrictions..some day time curfew..those two holidays."
He reminded the public that under the SoE that was called on May15 and which runs until August 30, unless revoked before then, "it is not a free in the daytime and curfew in the is a stay at home..only come out if you are essential or in emergency."
Rowley said the public health regulations will be amended to make it clear that entities like restaurants and bars are not supposed to operate on any level, under the existing public health and SoE regulations. He supported concerns raised on Wednesday by Young and Trade and Industry Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon about certain restaurants trying to beat the regulations by sending prepared foods to businesses, which can operate under the regulations, for sale.
Rowley said he was hopeful that hardwares could be opened on a rotational basis, the following week.
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