These are ‘five big things’ which will ‘be remembered’ from the federal budget

about 3 years in news

Sky News host Paul Murray has assessed “five big things” to come from the federal budget which was delivered on Tuesday evening by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

“There is a massive amount of money for aged care,” Mr Murray said.

“We saw out of the Aged Care Royal Commission, a real need to do this”.

Mr Murray said, secondly, people over the age of 60 will be able to put $300,000 into their superannuation if they were to sell their family home.

“That’s a big change, you’re not going to see that a lot in the newspapers”.

Thirdly, Mr Murray said 10 million people are going to get a tax cut.

Fourth, he said this federal budget “puts a lot of money” to help produce more tradies in this country and get more kids to commit to becoming tradies once they leave school.

Mr Murray, as his fifth point, also spoke about the “debt picture” to come from this budget.

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