Ageism does ‘genuine serious damage’ to Australians Paul Murray

about 3 years in news

Sky News host Paul Murray says ageism is an issue that does “genuine, serious damage” to potentially millions of people around the country.

“This country has virtually no respect for older people, but it certainly penalises older workers,” Mr Murray said.

“One of the reasons why I came out so hard in favour of JobKeeper was because I would hate to have seen people lose their jobs over the age of 50 during the pandemic, because it would be virtually impossible for them to get their jobs back.

“We learn today that my suspicion was correct.”

He pointed to a survey done by the Human Rights Commission, who spoke to business owners and leaders, who “admitted that there are cut-offs for hiring new staff,” according to Mr Murray.

“Guess when that kicks in? 50,” he said.

“The belief apparently among most of these business organisations, who are willing to say it out loud, is that workers over the age of 50 are not encouraged to join their companies.”

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