Campbell files defamation suit against PNP member Cross

about 3 years in Jamaica Observer

PEOPLE'S National Party General Secretary Dr Dayton Campbell has filed a defamation suit against party member Karen Cross who last month had posted damaging allegations against him on social media.
Campbell revealed that he had filed the suit in the Supreme Court on March 29 after the police yesterday issued a statement that they have concluded their probe into the allegations and had found no evidence to substantiate them.
"After extensive investigations into the claims that were made by Karen Cross via social media against Dr Campbell, the police have found no basis to the allegations that were made. Although a formal statement was given by Ms Cross, she provided no evidence to substantiate the claims that she made nor was she able to provide any person interested in making a complaint against Dr Campbell," the police said.
"Neither Ms Cross nor anyone else provided anything that could establish the allegations as credible. As such, the investigation into this matter has come to a natural end. However, if Ms Cross or any other person wishes to provide credible information about this matter at a later date, we are willing to reopen our investigations," the police added.
They also said they treat "allegations involving the abuse of children with the greatest seriousness and are duty-bound to investigate them to ensure the safety and protection of the nation's children".
Immediately after the allegations were published Dr Campbell's lawyers wrote to Cross demanding that she retract them and apologise.
"Our client denies all the allegations set out in the said letter and in particular any allegation that he has committed any criminal offence or is involved in any unethical or immoral conduct," a letter from the law firm Henlin Gibson Henlin had said.
The lawyers also said that Cross knew the claims were false but had published them in order to disparage their client.
Yesterday Dr Campbell declined to give details of his statement of claim, offering only that his decision to take the matter to court was not driven by money but was designed to protect his name.
"It's not about getting money from Karen Cross or anyone else, it's about protecting my reputation which I spent years to build," he told the Jamaica Observer.
"Jamaica can't facilitate this sort of thing whereby someone can just get up like that at any time and just try and destroy someone. I have shared my life story many times, highlighting my struggles, and I have always operated with the highest level of integrity," he added.
Dr Campbell also revealed that he had sought and obtained an injunction from the Supreme Court to prevent further publishing of false information against him. The injunction was granted on April 1.

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