NI secretary rejects calls for British Irish summit in response to violence in Belfast

over 3 years in The Irish Times

Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis has rejected calls for a British-Irish summit in response to the violence in Belfast, telling MPs he would look at the “appropriate time” to convene a meeting of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference (BIIGC). Established under the Belfast Agreement as a forum for the two governments to meet, the BIIGC last met in May 2019 but Mr Lewis said that the body had no authority over policing in Northern Ireland.
  “We will of course look for the appropriate time for the next meeting of the BIIGC, especially in the context of ensuring the strengthening of the bilateral relationship between the UK and Ireland now that we have left the EU – I have spoken to the Irish foreign minister about that – but we also need to be clear that policing is a devolved matter so falls outside the remit of the BIIGC,” he said.
  Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney is expected to meet Mr Lewis, along with foreign secretary Dominic Raab and Labour leader Keir Starmer during a two-day visit to London this week. SDLP leader Colum Eastwood told MPs on Tuesday that the two governments should meet in the BIIGC to address the underlying causes of the violence.
  “I’m disappointed at the lack of any acceptance of culpability from his own government and how they have dealt with the Brexit issue from the start and how they haven’t been honest with the unionist population of Northern Ireland,” he said.
  ”Church leaders have asked us to come together to deal with this crisis in our peace process and despite what the Secretary of State has said policing may be devolved but peace is not devolved. We all have a responsibility to deal with this.”
  In a statement to the House of Commons about the recent disturbances, Mr Lewis said the causes of the violence were complex and multifaceted. He acknowledged that unhappiness over the Northern Ireland protocol was a factor but said those concerns overlapped with “wider questions about national identity and political allegiance and come at a time of economic uncertainty” caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
  The DUP’s Ian Paisley warned of a “downward spiral”, asserting that the protocol was the cause of the violence and predicting that it would not end until the agreement is revoked.
  “The causes are not Covid-19. Seriously. The causes are not the Bobby Storey funeral – that’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. The Secretary of State knows that the protocol lies at the heart of this because the identity of Ulster is at stake as a result of the protocol. And I fear a continuing downward spiral unless the Secretary of State takes action and the key action he could take is to invoke Article 16, take control of this situation,” he said.
  Reports from Brussels suggest there has been some progress in technical talks between Britain and the European Commission about the implementation of the protocol. Britain’s David Frost and Commission vice-president Maros Sevcovic are expected to speak on Thursday.

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