China’s press conference showed its ‘contempt for free press’

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Sky News host Paul Murray says China's "weirdest" press conference in Canberra shows their "contempt" for free press in Australia which has criticised the Chinese government's actions; particularly against their treatment of Uyghurs.

“The Chinese government decided to hold a press conference in Canberra that is perhaps the weirdest press conference that has been held in a long time in Australia", he said.

“It shows the contempt that the Chinese regime has for a free press – for, of course, they do not have that in China.

“They are contemptuous of the free press that includes this program, this broadcast, and the things that we have told you about what happens relentlessly in China; particularly to the Uyghur people.

“Yet the Chinese government decided today in Canberra, in its embassy decided to show among other things a propaganda video that referred to the part of China where they keep the Uyghurs as quote ‘a wonderful land’.

Mr Murray showed a video of Chinese Australian Ambassador Cheng Jingye telling members of the Australian press their coverage of Xinjiang was “distorted” and based on “disinformation or misinformation”.

"The government says it so, therefore, it must be true. The government handpicks the people who they would put in front of a camera and tells you this is absolutely the case,” Mr Murray said.

“Why does this matter… because China is the biggest threat to the way the world works. The way the world can be free and the way human beings can be in open dissent of their government.

"It is something not tolerated by China."

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