If there is a regional war ‘it will impact every aspect of this nation’

about 3 years in news

If a war between China and the United States occurred over Taiwan, Australia would be "fundamentally collateral damage," according to Liberal Senator Jim Molan.

“I don’t believe the Chinese would attack us without American involvement in this somehow,” Mr Molan told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“But, if a war between China and Taiwan caused a war between China and the US, then as collateral damage we could be directly attacked”.

“That’s what we in Australia should prepare ourselves for.

“Now, that war could occur like that, it could occur fast and therefore we won’t be able to get there.

“But if it develops slowly and we deploy forces with the Americans into the region in order to deter China from doing something silly, but they still do it, we could suffer significant losses.”

"A war between China and Taiwan, involving the US, is not just going to politely end by the end of the week".

"If there is a regional war, it will impact every aspect of this nation, and every Australian and we've got to start realising that," Mr Molan said.

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