‘Drama TV’ Space Force Commander Rebuffs Tucker Carlson’s Remarks on Pregnant Soldiers

over 3 years in news

Senior members of the US military have condemned comments made on Tuesday, March 9, by Fox News talk-show host Tucker Carlson about pregnant soldiers and specialized equipment designed for them. “So we’ve got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits,” Carlson said, in response to comments from President Joe Biden on International Women’s Day. “Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. This is a mockery of the US military.” Carlson continued, “While China’s military becomes more masculine as it’s assembled the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine. Whatever feminine means anymore, since men and women no longer exist.” Among those to renounce Carlson’s comments was Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sgt Scott Stalker, who serves as Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) of the United States Space Command. In a video statement tweeted on Thursday morning, Stalker branded Carlson’s show “drama TV,” and said Carlson’s opinion was based off “zero days of service in the armed forces.” “My opinion is based off of 28 years of actual service in the military,” Stalker continued. “Let me tell you where he’s wrong. Those decisions were made by medical professionals, our commanders, and our civilian leadership. It allows for women to have more time with their children, to recuperate, to get fit and ready,” Stalker said, “which actually makes us a more lethal and ready and fit force.” Stalker stressed that the military values both current and former female service members. “We value our families in the military,” he said. “Let’s remember that those opinions were made by an individual who has never served a day in his life. Let’s remember that’s all about ‘drama TV’.” Multiple other senior military members issued statements in defense of women service members, and condemning Carlson’s comments, including Sergeant Major of the US Army Michael Grinston, four-star general Paul E. Funk, US Army Major General Patrick Donahoe, Major General John Evans, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The US Army over Wednesday and Thursday posted multiple tweets highlighting women service members, including several photos of uniformed women, each captioned: “I am an American soldier.” Credit: @US_SpaceComCSEL via Storyful

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