Our prisons are a national disgrace Letters

over 3 years in The guardian

Observer columnist Eva Wiseman painted a picture of a justice system at breaking point. We need action
Eva Wiseman is rightly impassioned by our inability as a country to summon the will to reform our creaking prison system (“Prison reform is slow, but could the will to change be growing?”, Magazine). She draws our attention to many of the most telling areas of failure which should inspire appetite for change. Are we shamed by a recidivism rate of 65%? Do we care that we lock up more women and children than any other European country? The political attitude to prison seems hardly to have developed since Victorian times, while public perceptions are starting to appear more progressive.
Sadly, this government, like its predecessors, cannot decide whether prison should punish, deter or reform as its top priority, as demonstrated by the incompatible appointments of Rory Stuart and Chris Grayling as ministers with responsibility for prisons, the first a reformer, the latter with a reactionary agenda. The home secretary should pick up Ms Wiseman’s gauntlet and act on the mountain of evidence confronting her that her prison system is a national disgrace.Christopher MartinBristol Continue reading...

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