Dwayne DJ Bravo releases Sad Place song

over 3 years in TT News day

Dwayne DJ Bravo’s new song Sad Place is a commentary on current events in TT. He said he hoped the song inspired people to do some self-reflection and see how they could make TT a better place.
Bravo, speaking to Newsday via telephone from Antigua, said he had been writing the song along with friend Tommy Sanchez for some time.
“The inspiration came from me seeing what’s going on in TT, even before what happened with Ashanti (Riley) and Andrea (Bharatt). I said to Tommy that it was getting out of hand.
“I travel a lot and I always try to make sure that TT is seen in the highest regard and encourage people to visit Trinidad but a lot of people, like businessmen or people who travel for vacations to different islands, they always talk about the crime and people are scared of coming for that reason. Obviously news travels and people are always fearful when travelling in different places.”
He said he was in Dubai when the news about Andrea Bharatt broke and this led him to release the song now.
“It’s even more sad, so my friend was like now is the best time to release the song, it’s reality and that’s how it really came about. But the inspiration was there, things happening in front of us and I see it, living it, so I just wanted to capture the moment and sing about it and then these things came and happened, so perfect timing.”
The song, which can be found on YouTube, was produced by Bravo’s music studio in Trinidad, 47 Productions.
“We’re passionate about music and it’s open for people to use it, writers, producers, engineers to come and work in a first-class facility, just to better the culture and our people.”
Bravo said he’d gotten positive feedback on the song so far, including from artistes such as Ian Bunji Garlin Alvarez and Fay-Ann Lyons. He said it has been shared widely and the support has been good.
Bravo said he wanted to send an uplifting message to the people of TT. “We must play our part as our brother’s keeper. I can’t tell anybody how to live their life, but I can try to encourage people to live a positive live, a crime-free life, a violence-free life. To my fellow men of the country, let’s do better. Let’s respect each other, let’s respect women, let’s just have moral values as individuals, as human beings.
“To women, I know they’re very uncomfortable now, they feel that their life is under threat, just keep praying. We have to pray for our nation, and we have to play our part as citizens, we can’t only rely on the government, we also have to play our parts as well, demand certain stuff, demand certain changes, but change has to start with ourselves first.”
The post Dwayne DJ Bravo releases Sad Place song appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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