The question every politician should be asking is, what does Mark Zuckerberg want with us? Marina Hyde

over 3 years in The guardian

This is about more than Facebook and news – it’s about the pursuit of power in a world where companies are stronger than countries
You can say Mark Zuckerberg puts you in mind of a lot of things. An efit of a man police would like to speak to in connection with supermarket food tampering. A pink and overscrubbed supervillain – Lex Loofah – or the classical bust of a Roman emperor who’s paused the rollout of his hair feature, and lists his hobbies as “flaying” and “indifference”.
Ultimately, though, the most alarming way of looking at the Facebook boss is just factually: he’s the world’s most powerful oligarch, selling the lives of 2.7 billion monthly active users to advertisers, and actually modifying the behaviour of those users with a business model that deliberately amplifies incendiary, nasty, and frequently fake and dangerous things because that’s what keeps you on his platform longer. So yes: considering all that, it’s just a comforting cop-out to say “ooh, Zuckerberg looks like the character in a movie who’s just delivered the line ‘leave no trace of the village’”. Forget post-truth. Mark’s basically post-metaphor. Continue reading...

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