‘This is a momentous day’ First vaccines to take place in four Irish hospitals

أكثر من ٣ سنوات فى The Irish Times

The first Covid-19 vaccinations will take place in four acute hospitals across the country on Tuesday.
The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine will be administered at St James’s and Beaumont hospitals in Dublin, Cork University Hospital and University Hospital Galway.
The very first person in the Republic to receive the vaccine will be a 79-year-old woman called Annie, who grew up in the Liberties and will be inoculated at St James’ hospital in Dublin. This is expected to happen at about 1.30pm, according to the head of the vaccine task force, Professor Brian MacCraith.
“This is a momentous day. It is the beginning of a complex process, the beginning of the end of an awful period,” he told RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland.
Among those who will be the first to receive the vaccine will be an ICU staff nurse, a Covid ward nurse, a junior doctor and an allied health professional, Professor MacCraith added.
Currently there are just less than 10,000 doses of the two-step Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine in the country. Some 30,000 more are due to arrive today.
This will be followed by 40,000 per week throughout January and early February, which will largely be devoted to the nursing homes’ programme once it gets into gear.
“Today, a great beacon of light starts to shine, as we commence our vaccination programme,” CEO of the HSE Paul Reid wrote on Twitter.
“Let’s all galvanise and unite behind this. It will take time but stay positive, stay safe, stick with us and we will get there.”
The indications are that Moderna’s vaccine may be approved as early as January 6th, so there could be extra supplies coming into the State shortly after that happens. All told it seems there will be upwards of 300,000 delivered to the State before the end of February, more than enough to immunise the entire nursing home sector.
Next in line to be vaccinated after that are people aged 70 and above; other healthcare workers; people aged 65-69; key workers; people at risk due to medical conditions; and those living or working in crowded conditions.
This will be followed by people working in education; those aged 55-64; workers in other occupations important to the functioning of society; people aged between 18 and 54; and, finally, pregnant women and those under 18.
The vaccination programme starts as serious concerns have been raised about the number of people being hospitalised with coronavirus and the high positivity rate of those being tested for the disease.
A further 765 confirmed Covid-19 cases were reported by the National Public Health Emergency Team on Monday, as well as one further coronavirus related-death.
A senior Government source said tighter restrictions were not discussed at Monday’s Cabinet meeting but that “you couldn’t rule out the Government taking further action in the coming days if the situation continues to deteriorate”.

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