The crying game is it ever OK for politicians to sob in public?

over 3 years in The guardian

The sight of Matt Hancock weeping on ITV reminds us that tears don’t always have the effect our leaders might want
Viewers of ITV’s Good Morning Britain were treated to an unusual spectacle on Tuesday morning: the phoney political weep. Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid watched as Matt Hancock, the health secretary, was shown footage of William Shakespeare, an 81-year-old from Warwickshire, receiving the UK’s second coronavirus jab. William Shakespeare. From Warwickshire. If you thought the billions of public pounds that have vanished this year were siphoned off by Tory cronies, you’d be wrong. In fact they were spent keeping William Shakespeare alive, guarded by the SAS, for this patriotic photo opportunity.
After Hancock watched the clip, something strange happened. The MP for West Suffolk paused and then raised his right knuckle to his eye. He smirked before attempting to squeeze out a single perfect tear for Piers. It didn’t work. His face was as dry afterwards as it was before. Continue reading...

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