Hillary Clinton email certification released

almost 9 years in Politico

Hillary Clinton's first official legal statement about her handling of her email records was released Monday, triggering an immediate response from critics who said it failed to resolve questions swirling around her use of a private email account and server while she served as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.
The one-page declaration, signed "HR Clinton" and first reported by POLITICO on Saturday, was filed Monday afternoon in federal court in Washington in connection with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking records about the employment arrangements of one of Clinton's top aides, Huma Abedin.
"While I do not know what information may be 'responsive' for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my emails on clintonemail.com in my custody, that were or potentially were federal records be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done," wrote Clinton, the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Clinton also responded to a request from U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan for information about how Abedin and another top Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills, used Clinton's personal email system.
"Cheryl Mills did not have an account on clintonemail.com. Huma Abedin did have such an account, which was used at times for government business," Clinton declared.
Clinton's declaration (posted here) did not add much to the sum total of public knowledge about the use of her email server. However, the filing did highlight the fact that Mills and Abedin did not respond directly to Sullivan's request for similar information. Instead, they submitted letters from their attorneys describing efforts made to search for work-related emails and provide them to State and to a House committee investigating the Benghazi attack.
The suit that prompted Clinton's official statement was filed by the conservative group Judicial Watch. In a court filing later Monday (posted here), Judicial Watch attorney Michael Bekesha complained that her submission didn't really advance the case.
"Neither the Court nor Plaintiff is any closer to knowing where responsive records may exist," Bekesha wrote. "It is of the utmost importance that all federal records in the possession of Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin, and Ms. Mills be returned to Defendant to enable Defendant to conduct a search reasonably calculated to uncover all responsive records."
Bekesha also noted that Clinton's statement did not detail how her work-related emails were selected for submission or by whom, nor did it say what had become of Abedin's clintonemail.com messages.
Sullivan issued an order Friday instructing State to tell Clinton, Abedin and Mills to preserve any federal records in their possession. He has not formally ordered them to do so, apparently because they are not parties to the case.
Clinton's declaration was dated Saturday. A State Department spokesman said Monday that the text of the declaration was sent to the department on Friday, with a copy of the signed statement arriving the following day.
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