Matt Hancock laps up the vaccine glory and may have shed a tear

over 3 years in The guardian

Having spent the past nine months explaining why the government’s Covid response has been so inadequate, the health secretary enjoys his day
Just occasionally a sucker gets an even break. Normally it’s Matt Hancock who gets all the crap gigs and is Number 10’s “designated fall-guy”. But while all Boris Johnson got from his hospital visit to observe one of the first vaccinations – soon every jabbee will be issued with an “I don’t want to be used as a photo opp for politicians” sticker – was a whole load of questions on the Brexit negotiations that he couldn’t deal with, Hancock was allowed to bask in his moment of glory. A saviour had risen from the streets and to everyone’s surprise – not least Matt’s – that person was him. Even if it was only for one day.
Hancock’s day had begun with a puzzle. Had he or had he not cried on ITV’s Good Morning Britain when watching footage of William Shakespeare of the Stratford-on-Avon area (really) receive his coronavirus jab? Matt certainly appeared tearful, but not everyone was completely convinced. Still, it made good telly. Continue reading...

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