Santa Ana Police Seek to Identify Woman Who Attacked Veteran

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Police in Santa Ana, California, have sought public assistance in identifying a woman who assaulted a veteran who tried to help her outside his apartment building on October 21. This clip, released by Santa Ana Police Department, shows the incident, on West 1st Street. The victim, named by KTLA as Randy McDonald, said he went downstairs to help after he heard a woman “yelling and screaming” outside his building, which houses formerly homeless veterans. He told KTLA that he felt he may be able to help, as he’d served as a medic in the Air Force in the 1970s to the 1980s. Police said the woman became “agitated” and asked McDonald for money. According to KTLA, McDonald said he “explained to the woman that he had just gotten off the streets himself in June after being homeless for most of the past decade and didn’t have that kind of money to help her.” Police said the woman then “grabbed him by the shirt and punched him several times in the face and head using both fists.” Credit: Santa Ana Police Department via Storyful

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