Why Nigel Farage's anti Covid lockdown crusade is a cause for grave concern Sonia Sodha

almost 4 years in The guardian

If we have learned anything from Brexit, it’s that the former Ukip leader can turn a fringe idea into a national moral panic
Coronavirus – latest updates
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There’s no easy way to manage a global pandemic, unless, that is, you are prepared to ignore the scientific consensus about how coronavirus spreads, pretend away the uncertainties about any long-lasting immunity and undermine life-saving public health advice. Enter Nigel Farage.
Last month, three scientists penned the grandiosely titled “Great Barrington Declaration”, which proposed segregating anyone at high risk from coronavirus while letting the virus spread through everyone else as they get back to life as normal, so that at some undefined point in the future the population develops herd immunity and vulnerable people can start reintegrating back into society. Continue reading...

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