AP News Digest 3 25 a.m.

over 3 years in Independent

ELECTION 2020-DEBATE — President Trump and Joe Biden scrap over how to tame the raging coronavirus in their final 2020 debate Trump sought to portray himself as the same outsider he first pitched to voters four years ago, while Biden argued that Trump was an incompetent leader of a country facing multiple crises. By Jonathan Lemire, Darlene Superville, Will Weissert and Michelle L. Price. SENT: 1,307 words, photos, video. See More on Debate below. ELECTION 2020-DEBATE-ANALYSIS — The second and final presidential debate, it turns out, was actually a debate — a brief interlude of normalcy in an otherwise highly abnormal year. There were heated clashes between President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden, but far fewer of the angry interruptions and crosstalk that made the opening debate nearly unwatchable. An AP News Analysis by Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace. SENT: 860 words, photos. ELECTION SECURITY-RUSSIA — Russian hackers have targeted the networks of dozens of state and local governments in the United States in recent days, and have stolen data from at least two servers, according to an advisory issued less than two weeks before the presidential election. By Eric Tucker. SENT: 972 words, photos. ELECTION 2020-CHINA’S HOPES — Chinese leaders hope Washington will tone down conflicts over trade, technology and security if Joe Biden wins the Nov. 3 presidential election. By By Joe McDonald. SENT: 1,283 words, photos. IRAQ-TROUBLED ECONOMY — Iraq’s government is struggling to pay the salaries of its public sector employees, its coffers drained because of this year’s plunge in oil prices. By Samya Kullab. SENT: 1,073 words, photos. US-RACIAL-INJUSTICE-MAYFLOWER-LEGACY — Four centuries after white Europeans stepped off the Mayflower and onto America’s shores, some descendants of the colonists are wrestling with the complicated legacy of their ancestors amid a global racial reckoning. For some, the devastating impact that the Pilgrims’ landing in New England had on Native Americans weighs heavily in this moment of unrest over systemic racism. By David Goldman and Alanna Durkin Richer. SENT: 938 words, photos. Find more coverage on the 2020 U.S. Elections featured topic page in AP Newsroom.

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