Queensland Premier ‘hiding behind the chief health officer’ Opposition Leader

almost 4 years in theaustralian

Queensland Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington says Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is “hiding behind the Chief Health Officer” in a bid to avoid backlash over her hypocritical border controls.

“People are rightfully outraged when 400 AFL executives, Tom Hanks and movie stars are allowed to have exemptions to come into the state, yet people can’t attend a loved one’s funeral,” she said.

“What we need to be clear about is the Chief Health Officer is giving advice to the Premier of Queensland. The buck stops with the Premier.

“The Premier must stop using our borders as a political weapon.”

Ms Frecklington said the state of Queensland could not afford another four years with a Labor government.

“I support strong border measures and I certainly support strong border controls but I have always said we need a bit of compassion, consistency and commonsense in those decisions,” she said.

Image: News Corp Australia

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