Too much perspective? Bring on the trivial luxury of the Premier League Marina Hyde

almost 4 years in The guardian

There really is a carefree pleasure to reacting to things in a manner out of proportion to their importance – I can’t wait to be furious about a questionable red card
We began the lockdown with politicians tilting piously at a familiar scapegoat. “The first thing that Premier League footballers can do,” prioritised health secretary Matt Hancock, “is make a contribution, take a pay cut and play their part.”
Regrettably, for the government, that wasn’t the last thing Premier League footballers did. By the time we got to June, footballers had raised vast sums for NHS workers, and the cabinet were gritting their teeth to thank Marcus Rashford, 22, for handing their arse to them on the matter of free school dinners over the summer holidays for Britain’s poorest children. “I think it is the right thing to do,” said a straight-faced Boris Johnson, whose own government had long resisted doing it, “and I congratulate Marcus Rashford on his campaign.” Education secretary and full spectrum disasterclass Gavin Williamson opined of Rashford: “He represents the best of Britain and is a role model for all of those children who look up to him for inspiration.” Shame he can’t be a role model for Gavin. Still, the minute I hear the news about Williamson or Hancock taking a pay cut, so will you. Continue reading...

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