Decisions in Victoria devoid of health device but driven by ‘Andrews’ megalomania’

almost 4 years in theaustralian

Sky News host Peta Credlin says revelations out of Victoria have now exposed how Daniel Andrews’ most draconian restriction of all, the 8pm curfew, was not put in place on health advice but driven by his “megalomania”.

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton spoke to Neil Mitchell on radio station 3AW, where the Professor revealed the curfew in the state wasn’t based on his advice.

“I was consulted on it, but it was a separate decision making pathway,” Professor Sutton said.

In the same interview, when asked if would have introduced the curfew, professor Sutton said “in public health directions, I’m not sure”.

Ms Credlin said these revelations reveal the major problem in Victoria.

“What’s happening now has almost nothing to do with health anymore and is entirely driven by politics,” she said.

“That, and of course, the megalomania of one man.”

Image: Getty

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