Squash up! 17 delicious ways with courgettes, from creamy carbonara to spicy dal

almost 4 years in The guardian

Make the most of the summer glut with these imaginative, versatile recipes. There is even a courgette-based martini
When home-growers speak of a glut of vegetables, it is usually with a tinge of pride, rather than a sense of burden. It means eating green beans twice in a week or giving away a bag of tomatoes. When it comes to courgettes, however, the word glut can take on a dimension of horror.
I speak from experience. At the end of July, I had harvested fewer than half a dozen courgettes from my tiny plot, each no bigger than a gloved thumb, and was ready to count the crop a failure. But, by mid-August, I was picking four or five courgettes a day just to keep on top of things – anything I missed soon grew to such monstrous proportions that it couldn’t even be given away. Everyone likes baby courgettes. No one wants a marrow the size of a baby. For me, courgettes present more than a culinary quandary. They are a storage problem. Continue reading...

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