Andalusia Fire ‘Stabilized’ After Burning More Than 29,000 Acres

almost 4 years in themercury

Emergency workers tackled fires burning near the town of Almonaster La Real in Andalusia, Spain, on August 30, as over 3,000 people were evacuated. As of Monday, the fire had burned some 12,000 hectares (more than 29,000 acres). Winds of up to 50 km per hour fanned the blaze as it burned highly flammable eucalyptus and pine trees, local news reported. This clip, released by a Spanish government office in Andalusia, shows smoke clouds billowing from the Almonaster La Real fire as viewed from the air. Some of those who had been asked to vacate their homes were allowed to return on Monday, El Pais reported, as the fire was declared stabilized. “Much work remains, but we are taking a big step towards the control and definitive extinction of the fire,” Andalusian regional president Juan Manuel Moreno said. Credit: Delegación del Gobierno en Andalucía via Storyful

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