Doctor at Hospital Treating Navalny Says ‘No Certainty’ Poisoning Cause of Illness

almost 4 years in themercury

The deputy chief physician at the hospital in Omsk, Russia, where opposition leader Alexei Nalvany was being treated told reporters on August 20 there was “no certainty that the cause of his condition is poisoning.” In this Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty video, Dr Anatoly Kalinichenko of the Emergency Hospital No. 1 said poisoning was “one of the possible reasons” Navalny suddenly took ill on an S7 Airlines flight from Tomsk to Moscow, but added that several diagnoses were being considered as tests were carried out. He said staff were working to save the politician’s life. Storyful has not independently translated Kalinichenko’s remarks. Navalny’s spokesperson Kira Yarmysh said on Twitter she believed Navalny’s sudden illness was a result of his tea being poisoned. She said Navalny was in a coma and on a ventilator after being hospitalized following an emergency landing in Omsk. TASS reported that Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that an investigation would be launched “if a poisoning took place.” S7 Airlines said Navalny’s health “deteriorated dramatically soon after” takeoff, and he did not eat or drink anything on board, according to TASS. Credit: Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty via Storyful

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