Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate – US politics live

almost 4 years in The guardian

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1.28pm BST
US secretary of state Mike Pompeo has said his department did everything by the book in regards to arms sales to Saudi Arabia in 2019, after a government watchdog found the risk of civilian casualties in Yemen was not fully evaluated.
His comments came after a state department inspector general report earlier this week concluded the state department did not fully evaluate the risk of civilian casualties in Yemen when it pushed through a huge 2019 precision-guided munitions sale to Saudi Arabia, report the Associated Press.
1.22pm BST
Delaware Sen. Chris Coons has been on CNN this morning talking about Joe Biden’s VP choice of Kamala Harris. He said of her:
Joe feels that she seasoned she’s got experience. She’ll be not just a great running mate, but a great partner in governing. She will help him fulfil his promise that the ticket will look like America. It will represent the strength that immigrants bring to our country, and the racial diversity that we need to make progress.
She came to me and was incredibly warm, comforting, encouraging. She gave me real solace in a tough moment. And that was striking to me, because I was on the floor with dozens of my colleagues, some of them I’ve known for many years. And I’d only known her for a couple, and hers was one of the most earnest heartfelt sincere moments of comfort and engagement.
"She is capable of being both a very tough questioner in the Judiciary Committee, going after Attorney General Barr or Attorney General Sessions, and then she's equally capable of being warm and engaging and upbeat," Sen. @ChrisCoons says about Sen. Kamala Harris. Continue reading...

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