US coronavirus Pompeo to face Senate as new economic figures show Covid 19 impact – live updates

almost 4 years in The guardian

US passes 150,000 coronavirus deaths amid fresh cases surge
Federal officers to pull out of Portland in major Trump reversal
Secretary of state Mike Pompeo to appear before Senate committee
GDP and unemployment figures expected to show extent of Covid-19 impact
Rep. John Lewis to be laid to rest in Atlanta
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11.41am BST
Yesterday the CEOs of four of the biggest tech companies were up before members of the House judiciary’s antitrust subcommittee to face intense questioning over whether they have too much power. The question of distributing fake news and conspiracy theories was just one aspect of the quizzing.
My colleague Poppy Noor has been looking at this for us today - speaking to experts and asking whether suppressing online conspiracy theorists works.
The more likely a claim is to be judged false, the less likely the editor will decide to put it in the paper or on the air. What’s happened with Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is the gatekeeping function has been displaced: anybody can say anything to anyone in the whole world, pretty much for free.
Related: Does suppressing online conspiracy theorists work? Experts weigh in
11.34am BST
Nine days after federal officials released details of a $60 million bribery probe, the Ohio House is preparing for an historic vote on whether to remove Republican speaker Larry Householder, who is alleged to have led the scheme.
The House will convene Thursday after a secret vote taken Tuesday by the Republican caucus during a closed-door meeting indicated enough support to remove him, report the Associated Press. Democrats have also called for him to be removed. Continue reading...

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