The meaning of 'pampering' in a post lockdown world

almost 4 years in The guardian

As we ease back into normal life salon treatments are comforting – but there’s a chance they will never feel the same again
I was so keen for my post-lockdown trim last Saturday that I arrived at George Northwood’s salon just off London’s Oxford Street 20 minutes early. At the check-in point, instead of offering me a coffee, they took my temperature. I felt a brief jolt of greedy disappointment, because in the old days you used to get a tiny bar of chocolate with your coffee. But I was still so happy to be there that I made a terrible joke about being cool enough to come in, which the receptionist kindly pretended to laugh at from behind his visor.
I hate the word “pampering”, with its frilly talcum-powder overtones. (“Grooming” is even worse. What is this, Crufts?) And yet I was thrilled when I put that hair appointment in my still-barren diary. And while I’m typing this article with overgrown cuticles, that is only because my local beauty salon is fully booked for manicures and pedicures till later this week. Continue reading...

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