Bill DeBlasio and New York City Officials Help Paint Black Lives Matter Mural in Front of Trump Tower

almost 4 years in news

Mayor Bill DeBlasio joined several other New York City officials as they helped paint a Black Lives Matter mural outside of Trump Tower in Manhattan on July 9. This video shows DeBlasio filling in the lettering of the mural with yellow paint. The video also shows a group raising their fists and holding paint rollers as they chant, “No justice, no peace!” DeBlasio was joined by First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev. Al Sharpton, New York State Sen. Brian Benjamin, and New York City Council Member Helen Rosenthal, among others. President Donald Trump criticized the planned mural in a tweet on July 1, saying it would “denigrate” the “luxury Avenue” and “further antagonize” the city’s police. DeBlasio responded to Trump’s tweet, saying: “Here’s what you don’t understand: Black people BUILT 5th Ave and so much of this nation. Your “luxury” came from THEIR labor, for which they have never been justly compensated. We are honoring them. The fact that you see it as denigrating your street is the definition of racism.” Credit: Senator Brian Benjamin via Storyful

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