‘Off the chart’ pre polls bring Eden Monaro victory within reach for PM Clennell

about 4 years in news

The prime minister is expected to pull off a historic victory in the Eden-Monaro by-election after positive pre-poll numbers in critical areas such as Jerrabombera and Queanbeyan according to Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell.

The Eden-Monaro by-election remains on a knife’s edge after the Liberals exceeded expectations, forcing the election result to come down to pre-polls and postal votes.

Mr Clennell has revealed government members believe the Liberal pre-poll numbers are unexpectedly “off the charts”.

“The government is a lot more confident right now,” Mr Clennell said.

"You'd expect him to win from here," he said.

Sky News Chief Anchor Kieran Gilbert has said it is a great night for Prime Minister Scott Morrison after “another electoral win”.

Image: Getty

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