Lack of global vision could lead to 'the death of rugby in Japan' Robert Kitson

about 4 years in The guardian

Administrators need to realise that the way rugby is marketed needs to change beginning with a calendar that works for all
The truth can be elusive in rugby union. Even in exceptionally unstable times there will always be those who dismiss it as simply a bit of light turbulence. So things must be serious when those with extensive knowledge of the game’s economics publicly query its future as a global professional sport unless its administrators wake up to the onrushing reality.Over in Japan some believe it may already be too late, regardless of the post-coronavirus landscape. With 30 years of experience in sports marketing worldwide, Robert Maes knows his subject and says rugby union’s rulers need to wise up.
“The players are professional but the global management isn’t,” he says. “They bury their heads in the sand and think a shining knight will come on a big white horse and say: ‘Here is a billion dollars’. That’s what everyone is hoping for but that’s not running or organising a global sport.” Continue reading...

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