‘No Justice, No Sleep’ Morning Protesters Rally at Mitch McConnell’s Louisville Home

almost 4 years in theaustralian

Demonstrators rallied loudly outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home in Louisville, Kentucky, early on Friday, June 19, calling for justice in the killing of Breonna Taylor with a banner reading: “Breonna couldn’t sleep neither Mitch.” Members of the climate-action group Sunrise Movement led the 6 am protest that symbolically aimed to “wake” McConnell up to problems in his home state. Participants held placards reading: “No justice, no sleep.” In a message to McConnell, the group tweeted: “You let our economy tumble into free-fall, our people be gunned down in the streets by killer cops, and our planet be ravaged by your oil CEO friends. This Juneteenth, we’re wide awake. In November when we vote you out, maybe you’ll wake up, too. No justice, no sleep Mitch.” It’s unclear if McConnell was inside the house at the time. On Thursday, he had been in Washington as the Senate confirmed his 38-year-old former intern Justin Walker to a lifetime seat on the District of Columbia US Circuit Court of Appeals, the second most powerful court in the country. Credit: Sunrise Movement via Storyful

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