‘Dissent is not allowed in crazy town’

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Sky News host Paul Murray says because the “kooks and the crazies of the 1990s” have taken root in power structures and bureaucracy across the world, society has “lost the plot”.

The killing of unarmed African-American man George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis initially started a wave of global protests and riots including in Australia all to stand in solidarity with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.

Mr Floyd’s death and the subsequent riots have spurred calls across the globe to de-fund and abandon traditional policing, while a six-block zone in the heart of Seattle including a police precinct has been seized by protesters who claim it to be an autonomous community free of police.

Statues and iconic TV and film have also been pulled apart and removed from public viewing.

Mr Murray said although many may dismiss these actions as “something on the fringes,” the real problem is “as it was with the loony uni students of the 1990s,” they eventually become the mainstream.

“They get to elected office, they get to a position where no one can push back”.

“Because of course, dissent is not allowed in crazy town”.

Image: Getty

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