Black Lives Matter protests Atlanta shooting of Rayshard Brooks declared homicide live updates

almost 4 years in The guardian

Medical examiner says Brooks shooting was homicide
Democrats call for police reform after latest killing
Republicans expected to unveil their police proposals
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11.59am BST
David Sirota has written for us this morning on what he sees as the hypocrisy of Republicans who loudly criticise the “De-fund the police” movement that has swelled in recent weeks following the death of George Floyd - but who routinely de-fund the “police” that are meant to keep people safe in many areas of the economy.
Citing Republican cuts to agencies like the US Chemical Safety Board, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board among others, Sirota says:
Apparently, we’re expected to be horrified by proposals to reduce funding for the militarized police forces that are violently attacking peaceful protesters – but we’re supposed to obediently accept the defunding of the police forces responsible for protecting the population from the wealthy and powerful.
Related: Republicans are hypocrites. They happily 'de-funded' the police we actually need | David Sirota
11.35am BST
Overnight protesters have torn down a statue of Thomas Jefferson outside a high school that bears his name in North Portland, Oregon.
The school was the starting point for a 1,000 strong Black Lives Matter protest on Sunday evening. The statue was still intact at that point, and reports suggest it was pulled down by a smaller group after the main march had departed. Continue reading...

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