Australia’s military needs ‘warriors not activists’ to defend the nation

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Sky News host Cory Bernardi says thanks to the coronavirus and the “belligerent statements of the Chinese government threatening our economy” everyone including the political class knows the problem of an over reliance on China.

“Australia is at a crossroads and the decisions that are made in the weeks and years ahead will have a huge impact on all of us,” he said.

Australia’s “powerful neighbour china” has continued its plight to colonise the South China Sea while influencing poorer nations with ‘debt trap diplomacy,’ but in terms of Australia it is “compromising our independence by making us reliant on their spending to prop up our economy,” according to Mr Bernardi.

“There is no excuse not to act to protect ourselves,” he said.

Mr Bernardi pointed to the military as a start for changing and said it needs a “reboot to abandon the crazy internal PC agenda; we need warriors not activists defending our nation”.

He also suggested Australia “revisit every single treaty or agreement signed with the moribund global bureaucracy known as the United Nations”.

Image: Getty

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