Man Damages ‘White Lives Matter’ Banner Hanging Over Paris Anti Racism Protest

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Crowds of protesters cheered on a man as he attempted to remove a large banner placed by far-right activists denouncing “anti-white racism” with the hashtag “#whitelivesmatter” in Paris on June 13. The banner was hung over Place de la République by the Islamophobic and anti-migration group Génération Identitaire (Generation Identity) as crowds demonstrated against racism and police brutality. Local media reported that the man was unable to remove the banner so he damaged it instead, sparking applause from the demonstrators below. The ongoing French demonstrations were prompted by the police-involved killing of George Floyd in Minnesota, and the death of Adama Traoré, who died in the custody of French police in 2016. The demonstration was originally meant to move from Place de la République to Opera, but police altered plans and only allowed for a static protest, a move met with some criticism. Police said they used tear gas and ordered the protest to disperse after some participants threw objects at them. At least 12 people were arrested, according to local media. Police also reported that anti-semitic slurs had been directed toward them. The protest came a day after police across the country laid down their handcuffs in protest against a moves made by interior minister Christophe Castaner, who announced a “zero tolerance” policy to racism in policing, advocated for a ban on chokeholds, and to suspend officers suspected of misconduct. Credit: @louuhrv via Storyful

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