‘Waves of hate and loathing’ are spreading across western countries

about 4 years in heraldsun

After having seen the “waves of hate and loathing” sweep across western counties in recent days, Sky News host Peta Credlin says “I'm glad I'm not going to be around in a hundred years to see the sort of place we're becoming”.

Widespread Black Lives Matter protests have been seen across Australia and the world, while statues of significant figures in history have been vandalised or destroyed in the past days.

In England, the monument dedicated to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was defaced during a recent Black Lives Matter protest in London, with the word ‘racist’ being written across the statue.

“Statues toppled by mobs, films banned, police defunded and disbanded – what's next, a torch to our libraries?” Ms Credlin said.

“Unless we really understand where we are today, and how we ended up here, I fear for our capacity to turn this around, given more and more, public life is littered with weak individuals more intent on climbing the greasy pole than standing up for the things that matter”.

Image: AP

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