Communist China ‘prepared to use dirty tricks to get ahead’

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LNP Senator Amanda Stoker says China's warning to its students about studying in Australia "says something really significant about the dirty tricks that the Communist Party of China is prepared to use to get a geopolitical advantage."

The Chinese Education Ministry released a statement on Tuesday urging its students to “do a risk assessment” and strongly reconsider travelling to Australia to attend university.

The statement said during the coronavirus pandemic “there were multiple discriminating incidents against Asians in Australia”.

While an article in The Global Times said “if Australia wants to retain the gain from its economic ties with China, it must make a real change to the current stance on China, or it will completely lose the benefits of Chinese consumers”.

Ms Stoker told Sky News host Paul Murray the communist regime "will spread misinformation about the safety of being in Australia, to people who might want to study here, to try and get some leverage over us

"To try and economically coerce us".

Image: AP

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