Australians need to ‘protest your health, protest the health of those you love’

about 4 years in themercury

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Michael Kidd says it is important to remember that “we are still living with a very serious infectious disease”.

Concern has been raised over a possible second wave of the coronavirus after thousands broke social distancing measures to attend Black Live Matter protests at the weekend.

Mr Kidd told Sky News the “most important message” from the heath advice was for those who attended the protests to isolate and arrange to be tested for the virus.

“There are other ways to protest, there are other ways to express your concern about racism and discrimination and violence, please protest your health, protect the health of those you love,” he said.

“We’re very concerned when large groups of people are coming together and especially in an uncontrolled manner as we’ve seen with the protests.”

Image: AP

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