Needy Matt becomes Door Matt in defending Dom's Durham flit John Crace

about 4 years in The guardian

The health secretary casually rewrote half the penal code in a mere half-hour press conference

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Cometh the hour, cometh the man. There was a brief moment after Matt Hancock recovered from coronavirus that he appeared to be a man of principle. That proved to be nothing more than a chimera. Now he has revealed himself to be the most abject of career politicians, who will literally do and say anything to save his job.
So there was no one Boris Johnson could have trusted more than Matt to have taken the Downing Street press conference on the day after Dominic Cummings had been granted the freedom of the No 10 rose garden – there’s a code for special advisers specifically saying they should not make public statements – to annihilate what was left of his credibility. Needy Matt is the health secretary with the perfect grasp of the public good. Continue reading...

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