Fitzgibbon needs to put ‘team Australia’ above Chinese interests

about 4 years in theaustralian

Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie says Joel Fitzgibbon needs to clearly state whether he is on "team Australia" after he accused the government of “demonising China”. “Joel needs to decide whose team he’s actually on,” she told Sky News. "Joel needs to get on board, team Australia, or is he backing other Labor entities such as Daniel Andrews by putting the Chinese interest above Australia’s.” Mr Fitzgibbon doubled down on his comments on Monday telling Sky News Scott Morrison unnecessarily damaged Australia’s relationship with China by pursing the pandemic probe without international support. Deputy Nationals leader David Littleproud has called on the Labor leader to sack Mr Fitzgibbon for the comments but others within the party — such as Barnaby Joyce — have said they were on the nose. When asked, Ms McKenzie denied there was a split within her party on the issue, insisting any moves made by the government were done with Australia’s national interest at mind.

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