Queensland’s ‘outrageous’ border closure ‘contravenes’ the constitution

about 4 years in themercury

The Australian's Adam Creighton says he hopes Queensland's "outrageous" and "terrible" decision to enforce an extended closure of its border is challenged in the courts.

"There's something in the constitution that says there should be free movement of people and trade across borders - I don't think Queensland should be able to get away with that," Mr Creighton said.

"The damage to Queensland tourism is just extraordinary - I don't think there'd be any evidence to justify it."

Mr Creighton said he did not understand Premier Annastacia Palszczuk's "political instincts" to impose tourism-damaging closures ahead of a state election.

"Of all the states, Queensland probably relies on tourism the most. I don't see the sense in it."

Image: News Corp Australia

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