Palestinians Hurl Rocks at Israeli Military Vehicles During West Bank Operations

about 4 years in cairnspost

Palestinians hurled rocks at Israeli security forces operating in the West Bank town of Yaabed on Friday, May 15, video taken at the scene shows. Tensions ratcheted up in the area after an Israeli soldier was killed in Yaabed on Tuesday after being hit in the head with a large rock. Raids by Israeli forces followed the attack, and fresh operations were reported on Friday, when this footage was taken. The video was recorded as Israeli vehicles drove by a post office in the town. Palestinians in the West Bank have grown fearful after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled he could annex the area as soon as this summer. According to the AP, US President Donald Trump’s ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, told the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom that the US is ready to recognize annexation in the coming weeks if Israel so chooses, and his administration has released a plan that would allow Israel to maintain security control of any areas of the West Bank that are not ceded entirely to Israel. Credit: Kareem Khamysa via Storyful

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