‘Three step plan to reopen Australia’ more decorative than it is useful

about 4 years in dailytelegraph

While the state and territory premiers “have all signed on to the broad approach,” they ultimately will reopen their economies “at very different paces,” Sky News Political Reporter Tom Connell says.

Mr Connell said “it’s no small feat that this whole process is still working pretty well” despite the different views held by members of the National Cabinet.

“It was interesting to note that Scott Morrison was very keen to say during the press conference, this won’t be a one size fits all approach”.

Mr Connell said the diversity of approaches implemented by the premiers may result in a situation where Victoria will have people “marching in the streets for freedom in a couple of weeks” while those in the Northern Territory will remain blissfully unaware “that anything has been happening with this COVID-19 business”.

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