Two escape with minor burns after Victoria home gutted by fire

about 4 years in timescolonist

Two people escaped with minor burns when their home caught fire on Monday night.

The Victoria Fire Department responded to a report that flames were coming from a home on Victor Street in Oaklands about 9:30 p.m.

The fire started in the kitchen after hot oil in a wok flared up, said Deputy Fire Chief Dan Atkinson. The residents suffered burns while trying to put out the fire, which quickly grew out of control.

Twenty firefighters with three engines, an aerial ladder truck, a rescue truck and a command vehicle arrived to find the home fully engulfed with flames, which were shooting from the back of the house through the roof.

The two occupants were outside the home.

They were treated by B.C. Ambulance paramedics and taken to Royal Jubilee Hospital for assessment.

Crews attacked the flames and extinguished the fire on the main floor in 25 minutes, Atkinson said.

The ceilings needed to be removed so firefighters could tackle the flames in the attic.

On Tuesday morning, fire inspectors combed through the blackened interior.

The damage is estimated at $150,000.

The residents are displaced from their home and will be receiving help through Emergency Support Services, Atkinson said.

He said a grease fire can be managed by putting a lid on the pot or pan and removing it from the heat source or by using a fire extinguisher.

It’s important to never throw water on a grease fire, he said, and if the flames get out of hand, call 911 immediately.

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