We’d ‘love to have Barilaro in Canberra’

about 4 years in theaustralian

Deputy Nationals leader David Littleproud said his partyroom would welcome John Barilaro to Canberra, less than a day after the Deputy NSW leader launched an extraordinary text message attack on Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack. On Tuesday, Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell revealed explosive text messages between Mr Barilaro and the most senior elected National in the country, Mr McCormack, who was “threatened” by his plans to run for the federal seat of Eden-Marno, which is due to go a by-election in the coming weeks. “Don’t hide behind the 'members will choose the candidate’ rubbish, as you were the only one saying such lines,” Mr Barilaro wrote in the leaked messages. “Don’t you think my branches would have backed me in? To feel threatened by me clearly shows you have failed your team and failed as a leader. “You will never be acknowledged by me as our leader. You aren’t. You never will be. “The Nats had a chance to create history, to change momentum, and you had a candidate that was prepared to risk everything to make it happen. “What did you risk? Nothing. Hope you are proud of yourself.” Despite this verbal spray, Mr Littleproud told Sky News the Nationals “would love” to have Mr Barilaro in Canberra. “John Barilaro is a talent,” he said. Ultimately, we’d love to have him, we’d love to have a crack (in Eden-Monaro).” "When you come to Canberra, you expect a couple of upper cuts and you shake it off." Image: News Corp Australia

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