UK Health Secretary Criticizes Doctor MP’s ‘Tone’ During Coronavirus Questions

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The UK’s health secretary told a fellow MP that “nothing should take way from the team spirit” and criticized her “tone” after she questioned him on the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic on May 5. Speaking in the House of Commons, Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, who is also a front line doctor, said, “The testing strategy has been non-existent. Community testing was scrapped, mass testing was slow to roll out and testing figures are now being manipulated.” She also asked, “Does the secretary of state acknowledge that many front line workers feel that the government’s lack of testing has cost lives and is responsible for many families being unnecessarily torn apart in grief?” In response, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock said Allin-Khan “might do well to take a leaf out of the shadow secretary of state’s book in terms of tone,” adding that what she had said was not true. In a subsequent tweet, Allin-Khan said, “I will not ‘watch my tone’ when dozens of NHS and care staff are dying unnecessarily.” Credit: Parliament TV via Storyful

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